Monday, May 24, 2010


WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Chez I've enjoyed this class to the MAX. Your an amazing teacher, It wouldnt be the same if someone else taught this. Throughout this semester I would have to say that when I heard you announce "Making our own Game" I wanted to get switched,but i'm glad i stayed .
The people in this class are great, exspecially the people who clicked to flash, they were always willing to lend help for those who didnt quite understand. like me. I couldn't ask for a better class. Something interesting that we got to do in this class that i really enjoyed was being put into groups at random, we got to physially chat with eachother like you would usually do at home on a chatting website, we asked questions about the reading as we read the online textbook. It was a blast but while we were having fun....we read and learned something at the same time.
The biggest and hardest thing to me was working on the flash, I think it was more harder to me because I can't draw nor am I computer smart. And putting them together all at once was a challenge.....(foreal) but I watched and studied the tutorials and It made my life easier.I'm glad that was available to the students, because If I was a teacher and had to repeat myself over and over I we be bald!!
But this is It, I've had FUN and I hate to kiss This Globaloria class goodbye but I'm OUT OF HERE!! If it's possible I will still keep my gmail account and wiki page.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should keep blogging!

    Thanks for all of your kind words, Destyne. I'm glad that you stuck it out!
