Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our classmates Game Demos!

Today we had to go to our teammates game demos so I viewed K.T Ferrell and Amy Bess's game followed by Jessica Lynch and Jerimiah's game. They both had an AMAZING concept.
For Amy and K.t's game I thought itwas a great reflection on the high school dropout rates.The whole game play was cute and functionalble. The information that was in the game was educational I actually didnt know some of that info. and our game topics, well ideas for the game was similar. I really liked how the whole set up was they did really good.
As for Jess and Jerimiah, The game blew me away, I really can't even put it in words how great their game was. They did like a recycling game in west virgina and I felt ashamed after looking and actually playing their game. ENOUGH SAID!! Good job guys you all were freaking AMAZINGG!!

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